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Educational and meditation CDs


Health lectures and guided meditations

Gilles Marin was Kim's first Qi Gong teacher, who specializes in Chi Nei Tsang (internal organs Qi massage) and advanced Taoist meditation practices. His knowledge and understanding of the human mind and body is extraordinary, and Kim regularly recommends his CDs and books to clients.

Bone Breathing and Bone Dreaming Meditations (Single CD)

by Gilles Marin

NZ$ 25 + shipping


Bone Breathing and Bone Dreaming Meditations CD

Download a full description and overview of this CD (pdf)

Bone Dreaming and Bone Breathing will allow you to quiet your mind, relax better and improve your natural capacity to heal. 

Originating in Taoist monasteries in the mountain ranges of China, the Bone Marrow Nei-Kung, the discipline from which the Bone Breathing formula has been extracted, was originally designed to fortify the blood, strengthen the bones and raise the flow of Chi or life-giving force. 

The Bone Breathing Meditation is a training to cultivate your ability to feel your bones. This is the first step in building a strong foundation for self-development. It starts the process of getting in touch with one's own internal organs. 

Bone Breathing will allow you to quiet and clarify your mind, relax better and improve the natural capacity of your body to heal.

The Bone Dreaming Meditation is designed to induce sleep and/or a deep sense of relaxation. It is highly recommended for people with a high stress level, hypertension, breathing difficulties, joint and nerve pain, bone deterioration, low vitality, spastic muscles, etc., and anyone just wanting to be able to relax deeper and enjoy a more satisfying sleep without experiencing the side effects of drugs.

Contact Kim to order


Sleeping Qi Gong (Double CD)

by Gilles Marin

NZ$ 40 + shipping


Sleeping Qi Gong CD

Download a full description and overview of this CD (pdf)

Most sleeping problems are stress related. Stress is part of everyday life; we can't avoid it at all times. Stress management is of course a step toward a solution, but how can we reduce stress if we’re not able to sleep? 

The exercises in this recording follow a progression based on visualization, meditation, and deep energy management and are designed to train individuals to sleep better and better, deeper and deeper. When practiced diligently these exercises have been proven extremely efficient in reversing insomnia and bringing people to a healthy rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

These exercises were used a long time ago in Taoist monasteries in the mountain ranges of ancient China to bring monks, ascetics and hermits to higher realms of meditation through the exploration of their dreams.

The exercises in this recording address the types of insomnia most people experience:

  1. ‣ Melatonin/Seratonin imbalance, typically caused by spending too much time indoors.

  2. ‣ Poor breathing.

  3. ‣ Nerve exhaustion.

  4. ‣ Emotional distress.

Contact Kim to order


Harmonizing Our Inner Earth (Double CD)

by Gilles Marin

NZ$ 40 + shipping


Harmonizing Our Inner Earth CD

Download a full description and overview of this CD (pdf)

A series of lectures, exercises and meditations which help to progressively and naturally develop and cultivate all the positive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of a properly harmonized and cultivated 'Inner Earth'.

Health issues brought on by Earth Elemental Force disharmonies include but are not limited to poor digestion, stomach pains, hypoglycemia and diabetes, back and leg pains.

Such health issues often manifest psychologically in chronic anxiety, bulimia and anorexia, poor self-esteem, guilt and shame, adaptation problems, poor mental attention, difficulty in being mentally present, autism, difficulties in standing up for oneself or others, poor coordination (clumsiness), etc.

This CD focuses on helping you to:

  1. ‣ Improve your capacity to heal.

  2. ‣ Relieve digestive problems.

  3. ‣ Overcome eating disorders and pancreatic dysfunction - including hypoglycemia and diabetes.

  4. ‣ Increase self-esteem.

  5. ‣ Learn to trust yourself.

  6. ‣ Be comfortable in the present moment.

  7. ‣ Bring stability and comfort to your life.

  8. ‣ Accept unconditional support

Contact Kim to order

Activating Inner Fire and laughing Qi Gong (Single CD)

by Gilles Marin

NZ$ 25 + shipping


Activating our Inner Fire CD

Download a full description and overview of this CD (pdf)

The Activating Inner Fire and Laughing Chi-Kung CD contains a series of four meditations and exercises to help people to be more alive and to enjoy life in a meaningful way.

The progression of simple guided practices is geared to relieve your heart of stagnant energy, the oppression of rigid mental pressure, and the weight of emotional charges. They will help to greatly reduce any risk of heart attack as well as help to reverse the conditions that lead to depression.

The meditations included on it have been inspired by the practices of Taoism and Tantric (Tibetan) Buddhism. They are powerful formulas from esoteric practices and are completely and safely adapted to the Western mind and way of life. 

By practicing this series regularly in the indicated sequence you will develop a greater capacity for appreciating the beauty and goodness of life, and therefore will benefit from a greater enjoyment of life. The Inner Fire Meditations will equip you with both an increased perception of life's obstacles and the mental and emotional ability to surmount them. They also increase intuition and the ability to connect meaningfully with others.               

Contact Kim to order


Sunning Qi Gong (Single CD)

by Gilles Marin

NZ$ 25 + shipping


Sunning Qi Gong (Single CD)


Mainstream medical research is confirming that a lack of sun is a significant factor in the disruption of our body’s uptake of Vitamin D, a critical health factor in many modern disease processes.  

Our endocrine system is perfectly programmed to provide us with the right amount of sleeping hormones during nighttime, but only when we spend enough time outdoors in daylight.  This is the melatonin-serotonin factor, our waking-sleeping hormones: during daytime solar light stimulates our pineal gland into manufacturing and releasing serotonin, a hormone that gives us vitality during the day.  

A lack of serotonin makes us tired and depressed.  When the body is able to manufacture a good, healthy amount of serotonin, then at nighttime the body can produce melatonin which puts one into a deep, healthy sleep.  

This CD includes step-by-step instructions for using the sun’s documented affect on our seratonin-melatonin cycle, in combination with powerful meditation practices, to regulate and enhance our normal body functions that may have become disrupted by lifestyle factors or other stressors. 

Contact Kim to order


Breathing Chi Kung:  The Inner Metal Force of Emotional Maturity & Internal Alchemy (Triple CD)

by Gilles Marin

NZ$ 45 + shipping


Activating Inner Fire and laughing Qi Gong CD


Improve and increase the volume of your breath, effortlessly. A mix of lectures and guided visualizations.

FIRST CD:  Better Health, Beauty, Joy of Life, Self, & Relationships through Breathing. Topics include:

  • Breathing Chi-Kung and the Power of the Metal Elemental Force - The doorway to our feelings and emotions (lecture).
  • Easy Breathing (guided exercise) coaches you to breathe deeper, effortlessly.
  • Breathing and Internal Alchemy (lecture): intro to the Taoist alchemical world of the Elemental Forces: upgrade your state of being by improving your breath.
  • Introduction to The Power of Elegance Meditation.  Metal Elemental Force is the power of refinement, which we need to cultivate within ourselves, to attain the fullest enjoyment of life.
  • The Power of Elegance Meditation: Polishing and Sharpening our Inner Metal (guided meditation) : break through your timidity and self-consciousness while cultivating your sense of self-worth, sensitivity, sensibility, and emotional maturity.
  • The Skin Breathing Practices: guided exercises for better health and beauty, as they connect your internal self and the part of yourself that makes contact with the external world, especially during the formation of relationships with others. Skin breathing is very detoxifying and has a deep healing effect. 

SECOND CD:  Guided Breathing Exercises. Topics include:

  • Presentation: Healing From Within Breathing Exercises: expand your breath and your emotional awareness. Prepares you for the side effects common to emotional awakening.
  • Checking your Breathing System (guided exercise): is a guided self-anatomy class on the anatomy of your breathing system including its meridian system.
  • Healing from Within Breathing Exercises: This guided practice will lead you through over half an hour of continuous breathing to: improve your lung capacity, oxygenate your blood, increase your metabolism, and expand your consciousness in the areas of yourself where it has been withdrawn.   

THIRD CD:  Spontaneous Healing, Colon Health, Stop  Smoking Meditations. Topics include:

  • Breathing and Spontaneous Healing (lecture): How we can enter the world of transformation and deep healing with the help of breathing Chi-Kung: emotional make up and health.
  • Breathing Healing Sunlight Inside the Colon (guided exercise): is a deep healing practice to rejuvenate and help clear the tissues of the colon; aids in recovering from colon cancer.
  • Introduction to the Inner World Peace Meditation (lecture).
  • The Inner World Peace Meditation (guided meditation): This guided meditation is about how to pacify emotional distress without mental numbing, continuous entertainment, or intoxication by alcohol, tobacco, recreational or prescription drugs. It will help you outgrow anxiety and depression, rage and terror while nourishing virtuosity.
  • Smoking and Emotional Clarity (lecture): How smoking is the best emotional screen ever invented and how we need to proceed to efficiently reverse the conditions that require us to smoke.
  • Lungs Healing Chi-Kung Meditation (guided meditation): is the ultimate meditation to help you stop smoking and to help you get rid of persistent coughs while clearing the emotional smoke screen at the origin of your need to smoke.  

Contact Kim to order