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Chi Nei Tsang - Abdominal Healing Massage


Physical and Emotional Detoxication of your internal organs

Do you know that all tensions in the body can be traced back to the navel, our source of life? By working on the navel and abdomen, you can:

Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Healing Massage

What is Chi Nei Tsang?

Chi (Qi) = Life Force Energy (Energy impregnated with information)

Tsang = Internal Organs

Chi Nei Tsang = Working the life force of the internal organs

Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) came into being millenia ago in the mountain ranges of Taoist China. It was used by monks in monasteries to help detoxify, strengthen and refine their bodies in order to maintain the energy required to perform the highest levels of spiritual practices.

Chi Nei Tsang is the art of internal organs chi (energy) transformation.  By working gently and directly on the abdominal organs it is possible to help release physical toxins from the body, clear emotional charges that are stored in the organs, and consequently unwind tensions that are manifesting in other parts of the body. This allows the body to return to its natural state of good health.

Chi Nei Tsang is a truly holistic therapy in that it integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being through the power of touch and breath. Chi Nei Tsang's power is in its abiltiy to reach the very origin of health problems, including psychosomatic responses.


Kim no longer offers individual sessions in Chi Nei Tsang - to find a practitioner see


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