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The Six Healing Sounds Meditation


Sound and colour for physical and emotional healing

Clear toxins and emotions from your organs

Clear your organs of negative emotions and toxic energy using healing colour and sound

Release stagnant energy and excess heat from the body

Calm the monkey mind and find inner peace

Understand how the five elemental forces of nature are at work inside your body

A basic relaxation and self-healing technique, the Healing Sounds meditation utilizes skills developed in the Inner Smile Meditation. Simple arm movements and special sounds are used to produce a cooling, balancing effect on the internal organs and the emotional energy that is stored there. Each organ correlates with a different sound, which when used vibrates that particullar organ and its associated tissues, moving stagnant energy out and producing a healing effect. The arm movements, combined with posture, assist to guide heat and pressure out of the body.

Each organ system in the body stores both negative and positive emotions. For example, the liver (with its associated organ the gallbladder, and associated nerve tissue) stores anger and resentment. It also innately holds the positive qualities of kindness and generosity. Unfortunately, if our organs are too full of the 'negative' emotion or vibration of anger and resentment, we will not be able to experiene our innate kindness and generosity. The Healing Tao teaches that we do not have to look outside for these qualities, they are already within us, albeit hidden.

By using a particular sound, colour and movement for each of the organ, you can help move negative emotions out of the organs, clearing them energetically and restoring good health. This also assists healthy cellular regeneration, because when when new cells form, more positive, rather than negative, information is copied through to the next generation of cells. This gives new meaning to one's understanding of the role of DNA and genetically inherited 'dis-ease'.

By the end of one round of healing sounds, which can take anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on how intricately you choose to perform the meditation, you will be left feeling deeply calm and clear.

Other benifits are improved digestion, reduced internal stress, reduced insomnia and headaches, more balanced emotional energy and greater vitality. It improves the flow of Qi (life force energy) through the different organs and connective tissues surrounding the organs. The Healing Sounds method is beneficial to anyone practicing various forms of meditation, martial arts, or sports in which there is a tendency to build up excessive heat in the system.

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